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Pick the TV Network, 1990s #5

Pick the network a television show originally showed on. In the case of a television show that began on one network, and was picked up by a second one, we're looking for the first network. All shows began during the 1990s.

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  • ABC
  • NBC
  • CBS
  • FOX

  • ABC
  • FOX
  • CBS
  • NBC

  • NBC
  • CBS
  • FOX
  • ABC

  • CBS
  • ABC
  • FOX
  • NBC

  • CBS
  • FOX
  • ABC
  • NBC

  • ABC
  • CBS
  • NBC
  • FOX

  • ABC
  • NBC
  • FOX
  • CBS

  • ABC
  • NBC
  • FOX
  • CBS

  • ABC
  • NBC
  • CBS
  • FOX

  • FOX
  • CBS
  • NBC
  • ABC

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