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Miscellaneous Index

This section contains the quizzes for anything that isn't related to music/movies/television. Such as books, comics, plays, or any other popular culture topic you like.

Latest Quizzes

(10)This is a test (multiple choice) by ChuckyG
Average final score 29% with 772 participants.
(10)This is a test (multiple choice) by ChuckyG
Average final score 46% with 10 participants.
(10)And yet another Exorcist Quiz. Are you afraid to take it? Regan will get you if you don't get a perfect score. (multiple choice) by Jim Blake
Average final score 38% with 55 participants.
Average final score 34% with 17 participants.
(7)Dance Moms (Matching) by FLORIDA FUN
Average final score 82% with 21 participants.

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