This is a test
Try to guess the answer to each multiple choice question
Quiz created by: ChuckyG

The leaders of what three countries met at the Cairo Conference in 1943?
(#) United States, Great Britain, and China
(#) United States, Great Britain, and France
(#) United States, Great Britain, and Canada
(#) United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union
2. Who invented the sport of volleyball in 1895?
(#) William G. Morgan
(#) James Naismith
(#) Albert G. Spalding
(#) William Hulbert
3. What motion picture won the Best Picture Academy Award for 1939?
(#) The Wizard of Oz
(#) Mr. Smith Goes To Washington
(#) Gone with the Wind
(#) Stagecoach
4. Who founded the magazine U.S. News and World Report?
(#) David Lawrence
(#) Ward Cheney
(#) Mortimer Zuckerman
(#) Henry Luce
5. What song was the Billboard Number 1 Song for the week of July 3, 1976?
(#) Afternoon Delight by the Starland Vocal Band
(#) Silly Love Songs by the Wings
(#) Don't Go Breaking My Heart by Elton John and Kiki Dee
(#) Kiss and Say Goodbye by the Manhattans
6. Who painted the famous painting American Gothic?
(#) Jackson Pollock
(#) William Henry Jackson
(#) Grant Wood
(#) Georgia O'Keefe
7. Where was famed American architect Frank Lloyd Wright born?
(#) Milwaukee, Wisconsin
(#) Spring Green, Wisconsin
(#) Richland Center, Wisconsin
(#) Madison, Wisconsin
8. Who was the inventor of dynamite?
(#) Albert Einstein
(#) Marie Curie
(#) Enrico Fermi
(#) Alfred Nobel
9. What country was not part of the Central Treaty Organization (CENTO)?
(#) Great Britain
(#) Iraq
(#) United States
(#) Iran
10. Who played Baby Snooks on the radio program The Baby Snooks Show?
(#) Billie Burke
(#) Margaret Hamilton
(#) Fanny Brice
(#) Clara Bow
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