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The Mighty b

My Love For Portia!!!!

1. Who is Portia's Best Friend?
Bessie,Penny,or Gween
2. Who is Bessie's Best Friend?
Portia,Gwen.or Penny
3. Who is The Name of Bessie's Dog?
Jake, Happy,or Dave
4. What is Portia's last Name?
Wu,Higinbottom,or Gibbons
5. What is Gwen's last Name?
Wu,Hininbottom,or Gibbons
6. Who is Penny's Best Friend
Portia,Bessie,or Gween
7. When Bessie Was Going to The Doctor What Was She Going To get?
Flu shot,bustershot,or a Stress taste
8. What Sickness did Gwen Catch?
Chikenpokes,Nezels,or The flu

Answer Sheet